Chaos < Creative Evening < Chaos Creative Evening

We want to get creative with you again – this time with everything that’s left over from the previous creative evenings. Accordingly, we will meet on Wednesday, August 14th at 17:00 in the queer*fem room (GA 04/61) for a “chaos creative evening”.

You can paint mugs, create window colour paintings, collage or work with lino printing (this time we only have black paint). If you have your own projects, ideas or materials, feel free to bring them along! Non-alcoholic drinks and snacks will be provided.

Please register for the creative evening by writing a short message to or sending us an Instagram DM!

If you’ve never been to us before (queer*feminist room, GA 04/61), please check out our Instagram “About us” highlight on Instagram for directions. If you have any questions, please write us an e-mail or a DM.

Please take care of yourself and others – if you feel unwell, come around another time. We look forward to seeing you!<3

Categorised as General